SWD Quilters for a Cure MS Walk Team
We walk to create a world free of MS!
Ending Multiple Sclerosis for good will take all of us.
Walk MS helps us team up with friends, loved ones and co-workers to change the world for everyone affected by MS.
Together, we become a powerful force force for good.
And with every step we take, every dollar we raise, we're that much closer.
On April 30, 2023 Spring Water Designs family and friends are teaming up
to walk at the Columbia, MD Walk MS
Proceeds of our fundraising go to the National MS Society to help fund much needed research
and integral programs to help improve the lives of people living with Multiple Sclerosis.
You can make a donation both online at the above link, or in our shop.
We'd also love to have you join our team and share with your friends and family to help us raise funds. You can choose to be a walker, or just be a fund raiser :)

Ending Multiple Sclerosis for good will take all of us.
Walk MS helps us team up with friends, loved ones and co-workers to change the world for everyone affected by MS.
Together, we become a powerful force force for good.
And with every step we take, every dollar we raise, we're that much closer.
On April 30, 2023 Spring Water Designs family and friends are teaming up
to walk at the Columbia, MD Walk MS
Proceeds of our fundraising go to the National MS Society to help fund much needed research
and integral programs to help improve the lives of people living with Multiple Sclerosis.
Please Consider Making a Donation to our Team
You can find out more information by visiting our Columbia MS Walk Team Page HereYou can make a donation both online at the above link, or in our shop.
We'd also love to have you join our team and share with your friends and family to help us raise funds. You can choose to be a walker, or just be a fund raiser :)