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Quilts & Other Modern Day Heirlooms
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Creative Grids Square on Square 6 Inch Trim Tool

Create 3 inch or 6 inch Square on Square blocks. No calculation needed - all the cutting measurements are printed right on the tool! Trimming each round as triangles are added creates perfectly square, uniform blocks.

The popular Snail's Trail block is now easier than ever - simply change the colors of the triangles!

The template comes with fully illustrated step by step instructions or scan the QR Code printed on the template to view a video demonstration.

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Phone: 410-381-0695
Address:  9691 Gerwig Lane Suilte G
                 Columbia MD 21046
Shop Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday noon - 4:00

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